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How Long Does Therapy Take?

What Is The Typical Length of Time In Therapy?

The length of time you spend in therapy is entirely up to you. It is your decision, and we will always respect that. Typically, the length of time needed for psychotherapy can vary depending on the individual and the issues they are dealing with.


For most people, it takes some time to develop trust with your therapist and feel comfortable sharing personal information. You will need time to identify and explore the underlying causes of your symptoms and issues in order to develop a treatment plan that can address them.

Then, we will work together, usually weekly, to review, practice, and refine the skills and strategies needed to effectively manage your unique cognitive, physical and emotional issues.


Therapy Is A Process

It is important to understand that therapy should be thought of as a process rather than a very brief intervention. Typically, short-term therapy lasts 6-12 sessions, medium-term therapy can be up to 24 sessions and anything beyond that time frame would be considered long-term therapy.

The length of your therapy intervention usually depends on your therapy treatment goals and the number and range of issues you would like to address. It is best to think of therapy as an investment in your life and well-being because it can have a lasting, positive impact on your mental health and overall life.


Therapy Needs To Work For You

There is no need to decide what’s best for you at the outset. Usually I suggest we plan for four sessions initially and then review towards the end to assess progress and decide together whether continuing work would be worthwhile. During the time you remain in therapy we will continue to review the work together, regularly, to make sure it remains effective for you and that you are getting what you need.


Therapy can help you gain insight into yourself and others, reduce debilitating symptoms and fears, explore and work through difficult emotions and experiences, and learn healthier ways of coping with stress and challenges. With the help of a therapist, you can create positive changes in your life and create a healthier, more meaningful life. Your therapist will encourage you to discuss expectations and time frames of therapy directly with them, whenever they arise for you.

Learn more about the stages of therapy and about what you can expect in the process of working with us.