Rocket liftoff by pixabay

The Power of Initiation: Boosting Your Mental Health Through Proactive Living

What Does “Being An Initiator” Mean? As a therapist and coach, I’ve witnessed countless individuals transform their lives by embracing the role of an “initiator.” Being an initiator means taking charge of your life, actively seeking positive experiences, and creating opportunities for growth and connection. This proactive approach can significantly improve your mental health and

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woman panicking from pexels-karolina-grabowska

Mastering Panic Attacks: A Holistic Approach for Reducing and Preventing Panic

Do you have panic attacks? Panic attacks are characterized by intense and overwhelming feelings of terror. Panic attacks can be both distressing and debilitating. Lasting anywhere from seconds to minutes, these episodes often evoke a sense of losing control or impending doom. Accompanied by a cascade of physiological responses, panic attacks can manifest as a

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Female Doctor

The Crucial Role of Therapy in Preventing Burnout in the Medical Field

As a psychotherapist, I have seen firsthand the toll that the medical profession can take on individuals. The long hours, high stakes, power and control issues and emotionally charged situations can lead to significant stress and burnout. In this blog post, I will explore the stresses in the medical profession from a psychotherapist’s perspective and

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